
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Information

Additional information can be found by visiting the Products Page and clicking on the specific model you are interested in. Building requirements, technical specifications and brochures are available for each chamber model.



Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Clinical FAQs

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Technical FAQs

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Clinical FAQs

Q. What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

A. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is defined as breathing 100% oxygen while in an enclosed system pressurized to greater than one atmosphere (sea level).

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Q. How does HBOT enhance wound healing?

A. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy delivers oxygen quickly and in high concentrations to injured areas systemically. The increased pressure changes the normal cellular respiration process and causes oxygen to dissolve in the plasma. This results in a substantial increase in tissue oxygenation. HBOT is beneficial because it stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and increases oxygenation that can arrest certain types of infections and enhance wound healing

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Q. What is the protocol for hyperbaric treatment?

A. The treatment protocol is established by the medical director of the hyperbaric program in consultation with the patient’s referring physician. The patient remains under the care of their primary physician throughout the course of treatment. Acute conditions may require a treatment period of ten days or less, while chronic conditions may require therapy over a few months. Although treatment schedules will vary, most treatments will be administered during two hour sessions, once or twice a day, several times a week. HBOT therapy is generally administered on an outpatient basis.

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Q. What are the clinically accepted indications For HBOT?

A. In the United States, almost all health care plans/third party payors reimburse for HBOT treatments listed below. There are numerous conditions reimbursed by commercial payors and workman’s compensation. In addition, other areas in the world are using HBOT for numerous other conditions.

  1. Diabetic wounds
  2. Radiation tissue damage (Osteoradionecrosis)
  3. Osteomyelitis (Refractory)
  4. Skin grafts and flaps (Compromised)
  5. Necrotizing soft tissue infections
  6. Thermal burns
  7. Crush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute traumatic ischemias
  8. Clostridial Myonecrosis (Gas gangrene)
  9. Actinomycosis
  10. Air or gas embolism
  11. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  12. Smoke inhalation
  13. Decompression sickness
  14. Severe anemia
  15. Cyanide Poisoning
  16. Idiopath IC Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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Q. Is there research being done on other conditions being treated with HBOT?

A. HBOT is now experiencing widespread use throughout the world for a number of acute and chronic conditions. Aggressive federally and privately supported clinical trials are being conducted in the United States and abroad. Worldwide applications or research has been done on such conditions as: Autism, Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Post Concussion Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Ulcers of the Lower Limb, Acute Thermal Burns, Osteoradionecrosis, Brain Injury, Sequelae, Stroke, Anoxia, Trauma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Periodontal Disease, Radiation Injuries, Laryngeal Cancer, Glioblastomas, Gliosarcoma, Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain, Radiation-Induced Xerostomia, White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH), Osteoradionecrosis, Osteonecrosis and more.

  1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  2. Post Concussion Syndrome
  3. Autism
  4. Traumatic Brain Injury
  5. Laryngeal Cancer
  6. Trigeminal Euralgia
  7. Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  8. Acute Thermal Burns
  9. Osteoradionecrosis
  10. Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
  11. Brain Injury
  12. Diabetes Millitus
  13. Chronic Ulcers of the Lower Limbs
  14. Radiation Injuries
  15. Radiation Induced Xerostomia
  16. Periodontal Disease
  17. Anoxia
  18. White Matter Hyperintensities
  19. Stroke
  20. Sequelae
  21. Retinitis Pigmentosa
  22. Gliosarcoma
  23. Glioblastomas

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Q. How often is HBO administered?

A. Although treatment schedules will vary, most treatments will be administered  during two hour sessions, several times a week.  Acute conditions may require a treatment period of ten days or less, while chronic conditions may require therapy over a few weeks.

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Q. What does a patient experience during treatment?

A. The first stage of treatment is compression, in which the pressure inside the system is gradually increased.  The temperature will rise and later be adjusted to a comfortable level.  The patient  will feel a fullness in the ears.  Instruction is provided to help clear the pressure and relieve temporary discomfort.  Inside the chamber, the patient can sleep, watch TV, or a video tape, listen to music, read or just relax.

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Q. Is HBO reimbursable?

A. Almost all health care plans/third party payors including Medicare reimburse for HBO treatments performed on currently accepted disorders by CMS.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Technical FAQs

Q. What is the recommended service for our chamber?

A. Please refer to the chambers Operation and Maintenance manual for recommended daily, weekly, monthly, semiannual and annual servicing requirements.  Annual preventative maintenance is the most effective way to guarantee the proper function of your chamber and reduce the possibility of non-scheduled maintenance and down time later on. Perry Baromedical Corporation strongly recommends that all chambers be serviced annually by an approved Perry technician.

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Q. What are acceptable cleaning and disinfecting agents for the Acrylic Tube?

A. The following are acceptable:

  • Detergent in a solution of warm water (not exceeding 120 degree F.). The acrylic cylinder should be washed with a clean, soft, lint-free cloth that has been moistened in a solution of water and mild soap, Joy (or) Ivory dish detergent (1:100 water solution).Rinse with a soft, lint-free cloth moistened with clean water.  Do not allow water or disinfectant liquid to accumulate inside the chamber.  Never use a dry cloth or abrasive cleaning agents on the acrylic window.
  • Commercial Products approved for cleaning and disinfecting are:
    • o    Tor HB
      o    Coverage HB
      o    Hibitane
      o    Ascend
      o  Vital Oxide
      o    PDI Sani-Cloth Bleach Wipes (MSDS 0010 / EPA Reg. No. 9480-8)
      o   PDI Sani-Cloth AF Germicidal Wipes (MSDS 0090)
      o    PDI Sani-Cloth AF3 germicidal wipes (MSDS 0101)
      o    STERIS LpH® se One Step Germicidal Detergent (product / SDS # 6466 @ dilution ratio of 1:256)
      o    EcoLab #25 HB Quat Disinfectant Cleaner (ready to use Ecolab registration number 61-0000-6316-6)
      o    EcoLab A-456-N (EPA 42964-31)
      o    Bleach – Up to 15% aqueous Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) [7681-52-9]
      o    Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide – 3% to 20% (H2O2) [7722-84-1]
      o    Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide up to 2% (ClO2) [10049-04-4]
      o    Chlorox Healthcare Bleach Germicidal Wipes Clorox Company
      (Bleach, caustic soda and sodium metasilicate based, lint-free cloths.)
      o    Tego 2001 (EUROPE ONLY) Amphoteric Disinfectant Johnson Diversey
      (Surface active, microbiocidal amphoteric system, with EDTA and IsoPropanol, in small quantity)
      o    Enviroguard64, Enviroguard64LLC
      (Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants plus Ethanol, in small quantity)
      o    Coverage Spray HB Plus Steris
      (Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants plus Ethanol, in small quantity)
      o    DISPATCH® Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels with Bleach Excolab
      (Bleach, caustic soda and sodium metasilicate based, lint-free cloths.)
      o    Vital Oxide (formerly EXPEL) Orison Marketing, L.L.C.
      (Chlorine Dioxide Aqueous Spray plus Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants)
  • Do not use any cleaners or disinfectants containing high concentrations of alcohol.  They are known to initiate crazing of the acrylic cylinder.
  • Please note that many other formulated hospital cleaners such as Oxivir TB contain very high concentrations of Ethanol, Isopropanol or Benzyl Alcohols which cause serious damage to the acrylic window and MUST NOT be used.  IF IN DOUBT PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CHAMBER SUPPLIER FOR ADVICE.
  • Correctly diluted cleaners may be used at up to 100°F (38°C) MAXIMUM
  • Soft lint-free cloths must be used to prevent scratching the acrylic window.
  • Do not use cleaners when the chamber is pressurized.
  • Caution must be exercised when using cleaners containing strong perfumes – some of which are known to damage acrylic.
  • See ASME PVHO-2-2019 Mandatory Appendix V for further guidance.


Please note that many other formulated hospital cleaners contain very high concentrations of Ethanol, Isopropanol or Benzyl Alcohols which may cause serious damage to the acrylic window. IF IN DOUBT PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CHAMBER SUPPLIER FOR ADVICE

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Q. Is my room large enough?

A.  Use the Hyperbaric Facility Design Guidelines, Version 1.0, July 2004, compiled by the UHMS Associates Facility Design Committee as a guide. It can be found by clicking here.

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Q. What is the recommended flooring for the Treatment Room?

A. Flooring in the chamber area should be tile.  Conductive tile is preferred, but not mandated. Carpet is not to be used.

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Q. What are the pressure and flow requirements for the Perry Air-Break-Mask assembly?

A. Air pressure must be set at a minimum of 70 PSIG with a flow of 160 LPM.

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Q. Can the air-break be supplied from portable bottles?

A. Yes.

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Q.What are the recommended cleaning procedures for the air-break mask demand-valve assembly?

A. Per the manufacturer’s instructions, “cold disinfecting” may be performed on the disassembled outlet adapter and exhalation valve assembly by immersing in a CIDEX solution for a minimum of 10 minutes.  Alternately, gas sterilization may be used (e.g. ethylene oxide) provided the temperature of the sterilizer does not exceed 71°C (160°F) and, aeration is performed adequate to remove all traces of the sterilizing agent.

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Q. Does Perry Baromedical provide finished EKG or ECK monitoring cables for use with the Perry chamber?

A. Yes, Perry can provide finished EKG cable sets depending on your particular monitor requirements. In addition, we can supply cable ends, pins, and termination sets if the facility biomedical staff desires to splice their own connections.  Please contact Perry Baromedical for a specific equipment and cable set quotation.

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Q. What is the standard electrical penetrator “thru-hull” port size?

A. The standard 19-pin and TCOM penetrators are designed to fit thru a 1-9/32 diameter hole in the rear of the chamber.

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Q. There is a slight odor inside of the chamber, is this normal?

A. There have been very few reports of any residual odor present in the chamber, and in all reported cases, testing has shown that the chamber atmosphere to be within specification.

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Q. What are the room size, piping, and electrical requirements for chamber installation?

A. Please refer to the chamber technical / building services requirements document provided by your salesperson. This information can also be found by going to the Products Page and clicking on the chamber model in question.

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Q.  What is the maximum  weight of a patient to be treated?

A.  The SIGMA 36 and 40 chambers have a weight capacity of 700 lbs., the SIGMA 34 is limited to 500 lbs.

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Q.  What type of linens & gowns are allowed in the chamber?

A.  All fabrics and other materials should be 100% cotton or approved anti-static material as per NFPA-99 recommendations.  Never permit, silk, wool, or synthetic textile materials (except those specifically approved for hyperbaric oxygen use) inside the chamber as they are capable of creating static electricity.

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Q.  What is not allowed in the chamber?

A.  Electrical appliances, Jewelry, Cosmetics, any alcohol or petroleum based products, pacemaker, implanted pumps, and earplugs should not be used in the chamber.  In addition, exclude combustible materials such as paper, magazines, and excess bedding.

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Q.  Can chambers be moved for cleaning of the room and area?

A. Yes, please follow the instructions in the Perry Operations Manual.

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Q.  Can chambers be positioned in direct sunlight?

A.  No.  It will damage the acrylic.

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Q.  How should the chamber be stored overnight?

A.  The chamber needs to be covered with a Perry chamber cover or blanket.

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Q.  Will the acrylic tube be harmed by direct sunlight?

A.   The cylinder should not be located in direct sunlight or close to a heat source. Indirect lighting of the chamber room is recommended, and , lamps or any other direct light sources should not be placed near the chamber.  The acrylic cylinder will be damaged by exposure to UV radiation.

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Q.  How do I launder the hyperbaric chamber acrylic cover?

A. Procedure to Launder Hyperbaric Chamber Acrylic Cover:

    • The acrylic cover is made from cotton, a durable fabric that can generally be machine  washed and dried with no ill effects
    • Pre-treat any stains with detergent and cold water. Place the detergent on the stains. After soaking the fabric for 15-30 minutes, gently rub the stains. Use a non-perfumed detergent.
    • For appropriate results, machine wash in hot water, on a normal wash cycle, with a non-perfumed detergent.
    • Rinse twice on a cool cycle. Shake the acrylic cover after removal from the machine to minimize wrinkles.
    • Tumble dry immediately upon completion of rinsing to prevent wrinkles, on low setting. Do not use any dryer sheets.
    • Steam press or iron upon completion of drying to prevent excessive wrinkling.

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